Sunday, March 01, 2009

Fancy a cuppa?

Here's my response to new research from UCLA, where scientists have discovered that drinking three or more cups of tea every day will cut the chances of stroke by one fifth! That's me protected, then...


  1. Great news, that's me protected, too - I always thought there'd be an up side to all this tea drinking!

  2. I know! I wonder if there are any health benefits to eating biscuits?

  3. Tea tea tea, we all need it!

    Congratulations on being a featured seller on Folksy, you lucky lucky ladie. Better get making me dear!

  4. Hello again, I found out through Milomade blog!
    Take a look

    Hope I am right, sorry to get your hopes up if wrong!!

  5. hi, congreats on being a folksy featured seller! And good news about tea too
    : )


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A paper teacup from my new book

A paper teacup from my new book
A paper tea cup for Mother's day. Even the sugar lump is paper!

Paper cupcakes from my new book

Paper baby shoes from my new book

Paper baby shoes from my new book
a pair of teeny tiny paper shoes to celebrate the birth of a new baby.