Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone!

With Easter Sunday in mind, here's the Easter Tree me and my gal made (plus some steps for good measure) Happy Easter!


  1. happy easter! what a lovely tree, I love the colours you chose for your eggs
    : )

  2. love your cute creations
    mona & the girls

  3. Beautiful eggs........ The colours! And your paper hen sculpture is amazing. Gorgeous photos too. I love your eye for colour.
    Love Vanessa xx


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A paper teacup from my new book

A paper teacup from my new book
A paper tea cup for Mother's day. Even the sugar lump is paper!

Paper cupcakes from my new book

Paper baby shoes from my new book

Paper baby shoes from my new book
a pair of teeny tiny paper shoes to celebrate the birth of a new baby.