Thursday, June 09, 2011

Our cat, in the middle of our street

Here's our cat, Honey. Not the full shilling, I'm afraid. He invaded my photo shoot this morning because he is a terrible attention seeker.


  1. I know, my cats are the same, they take up residence in my photo light box when I set it up.
    He's a handsome boy though.

  2. Thanks Hannelore, and he knows it. love your blog, btw, it's beautifully designed. I'm now a follower!


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A paper teacup from my new book

A paper teacup from my new book
A paper tea cup for Mother's day. Even the sugar lump is paper!

Paper cupcakes from my new book

Paper baby shoes from my new book

Paper baby shoes from my new book
a pair of teeny tiny paper shoes to celebrate the birth of a new baby.